Web Links — Old World Anvils


web links

Links for Blacksmithing, Metalsmithing and Bladesmithing

Blacksmith Supply - Lots of blacksmith tools, tongs, Smithin Magician, hammers and more.

American Bladesmith Society - Home of the School for forging knives.

Ron Reil's Site for Fly Presses and gas forges. A great site with a growing page on fly presses and also building gas forges. Well worth your time for a visit or if you are considering a fly press or building your own gas forge.

Anvilfire - A great blacksmithing resource site. Demonstrations online and lots of interesting stuff from around the world of blacksmithing.

LAMA- Louisiana Metalsmiths Association - Great web site with shop tips, How To's and members gallery. I check this site often for new information and their monthly online newsletter.

Mathew Rutz - Horsefeathers and Hammermen site - One of the best sites on the internet. Contains lots of photos of old equipment i.e.: forges, wrought ironwork from Europe, anvils, Vienna Locksmith and everything blacksmith etc. Don't miss out on this huge and fun site to visit.

Jeff Fetty's Blacksmith site & using his flypress - The amazing abilities of a flypress in a professional blacksmith's shop

The National Ornamental Metal Museum - One of the great resources for metalsmithing in the US. Best view of the mighty Mississippi, anywhere. Excellent exhibits all year. Don't miss out on the "Forging on the River" and Repair Days.

Artist-Blacksmith Association of North America-Abana - The national organization for blacksmiths in North America. Join Today - lots of benefits, including two high quality magazines and an informative web site etc. Also this is the year of the national conference in Wisconsin. Go to the ABANA.org web site for more details.

Engineering Forging Site - Good technical information on forging.

Free Online Blacksmith Book - Access a book written around the turn of the century for free.

Cape Forge - A bladesmith who makes custom woodworking knives, drawknives, chisels etc. A family business and Mike the owner is a very friendly and helpful guy. All tools are unconditionally guaranteed. Mike also maintains two excellent pages on sharpening and stropping edged tools. The links are right below.

Joy of Sharpening Site and How to Strop

How to Make Tongs - Excellent article with very good photos on making tongs.